two months…


   My baby will be Two. Where does the time go?  Right now she is as sassy as she can be.  Terrible two’s have already hit, and she is starting to prefer her daddy to mommy. Her personality is very independent, sweet, and as I said before sassy.  She gets the sass from her daddy!

 So now I am thinking about birthday parties and what I can do for her birthday. Last year we didn’t do much.  Just a little party at grammy’s house.  This year I want to have a slightly bigger party at my house. Ideas are pouring out of me, but to keep it small I have to reign them in.  I want to incorporate the moon somehow.  She is obsessed with the moon, but I also kind of want to do a “milk and cookies” theme. I found a great site that has milk bottles really cheap, and super cute stripey straws.  I guess I should get on and see what I can find. 

Got any ideas?  Pass ’em my way!



Things I forget about.


So I remember a lot of things, but then I forget about the rest.  Like how I forgot about my 12 things I wanted to do and such.  Which you know, I think I am okay with it.  I feel like I push myself to do things because other people want me to do it.  So then I forget about them.  Its a vicious cycle and I need to stop it!


So I have started this year out with lots of good intentions and my lack of sleep and time have prohibited such things.  Right now I need to get more than just my living room in order.  That is what I need to work on.  Cleaning out my closet, donating clothes I don’t wear and getting rid of the junk and muck that is in my house.  I am too nostalgic of a person.  I keep everything and I think I could be come a hoarder.  But not like on TV, but then again, maybe.  Who knows.  I just know I need to stop it.

Organizational tips, blogs, links, and pinterest boards welcome!



the potty dance


Can you guess what’s going on in my household? you guessed it, the potty dance!

Frankie is potty training, and even though it was the second most feared thing in my parenting list of things I will have to go through, its not been terrible! She’s actually doing it like a champ!

(side note: Please do not worry, photos of my child’s exterminates will not be posted ANYWHERE on the web. That is just disgusting.)

Any words of encouragement are welcome! 🙂



Blog roll!


Okay that makes me want sushi.  Blog Roll, they should make that a name of a sushi roll.


Anyway, I have had two people in my life recently take up blogging.  And thought I’d pass this on to anyone that reads this blog. First up my best friend Erinn’s blog:

Its beauty products, make-up and such.  A subject I know very little about.  And a subject she seems to have an addiction to! Go read, follow, and love her. ❤

Next my baby sister, Jaclyn.

She is entering the Miss Missouri Beauty Pageant.  I’m sure I missed something when describing it too.  eek!  But she is entering with hopes of being able to enter the Miss America beauty pageant.  She is blogging her journey and you should follow her, and help her pick out a gown. 😉

This next blog is my own again.  But its different from this one.  I am blogging about a book/devotional that I Am doing.  The Remix:Solo devotional by Eugene H. Peterson.  Feel free to follow.

So that is it for now.   Hope you have a great Thursday!

Lessons on being Passive Aggressive


According to Wiki passive aggressive means this:

Passive–aggressive behavior is dealing with expectations in interpersonal or occupational situations in an obstructionist or hostile manner that indicates aggression, or, in more general terms, expressing aggression in non-assertive (i.e. passive or indirect) ways. It can be seen in some cases as a personality trait or disorder marked by a pervasive pattern of negative attitudes and passive, usually disavowed, resistance in interpersonal or occupational situations.


I need to either A be better at it, or B just be more blunt.  Especially at work.  The eye rolling, and attitude I deal with on a daily basis is just nuts. I think if it was anyone else here, they would have put her in her place a million times.  But I just can’t risk my job because of someone else’s attitude.  I’m trying my hardest to kill her with kindness.  I guess I need like a ray gun of kindness to zap her with.  Does anyone know where I can purchase one of those?



Ahhh! I’m 28!  When did this happen?  I mean really how in the world did I turn 28?  How did I get here physically?  This is a really long time to be here.  And don’t get me wrong, its awesome.  But this lady couldn’t imagine turning 21, because she never thought she’d ever make it.

So here I am, amazed and all.  But it’s time I start being greedy.  WHAT!? HOLD UP!?  Did she just say greedy??

Okay so when I say greedy, I am meaning:

A: Invoking that 10 minute rule. (find it here)

B Saying no, and not feeling bad about it.

C Spend all my time with Frances, because I can.

D: Let Erinn make my face over… it desperately needs it.

E: Let myself have fun.

So now that it’s the end of January, and pretty much everyone has given up on their resolutions, I want to clarify that this isn’t a resolution.  But me just getting back to me.



So its a no wonder my mother in law thinks I hate her.  I just found out today that there was sursprise birthday party for her last weekend.  And neither HER SON nor I were informed. It makes it hard to go to a party when you don’t know about it.

Also she had a new years party that WE WERE NOT invited to.  Its hard to go to parties and places and do things with a family that clearly has nothing to do with you.   Those are not isolated events either.  Just recent examples.

I just don’t understand why the cold shoulder, and I guess I never will.  They are always going to blame me for something.  this or that, and I give up.  I seriously am throwing in the towel.  I can do nothing right in their eyes.  So I’m done.

18 months young.


Today my baby is 1 1/2 years old.  I seriously can’t believe it.  She’s walking like a pro, talking only when she feels like it.  She is quite the sassy little monster.  She is the most beautiful little girl, and I think she knows it.

18 months young

a semester off.


So I know I just started back to school.  But I feel that I really need to take this next semester off and focus on myself.  Why you ask?  I am a people pleaser.  I like to please people.  I just can’t help it.  I rarely do things for myself, and this is why I have self spiraled into this weird spot I’m in.  Its not really a bad spot, just a weird one.

This next semester I plan on working on myself.  Finding the time to be myself, and do things for myself.  Not in a selfish way, but in a good way.  Like I plan on working on my health and fitness.  Find the time to do things and not be lazy.   I know how to be lazy, and I’m damn good at it.  I am going to become a vegetarian once again after christmas.  So not having to go to class right after work will help with me cooking meals, and not just eating the carb filled fast food.  I also plan on learning how to make jellies, jams, and to can veggies.  Its a tall order I know.  But I feel like if I don’t change something now, my life is going to get way more hectic.  Am I abandoning my studies?  Absolutely not.  But I feel like if I don’t get myself under control I won’t have a future anyway.   I am going to take this next semester and invoke the 10 minute rule I talked about in my last blog post.  I am going to take the time to cook good for you foods.  I am going to take the time to just play and be with my daughter.  I am tired of others raising her.  (and no I’m not downing her babysitters!  they are amazing!!)  I am going to take my time.  So I will hopefully blog my adventures more.  At least I plan to.  (I wonder how far that will go!)

So if you have stumbled across this wonderful place, because you too are wanting change.  Join me in taking time for yourself.  Learn something you want to learn.  Change what you don’t like about yourself.  I’m doing all of the above, and I am taking a time-out to do it.

First thing on the list.  Learn how to make “mason jar meals”, and take my lunch to work with me everyday.  And once I get really good, hopefully jon will want to take his to work too!  Who doesnt’ love a good looking mason jar?  I just made a Pinterest Board for it.  Gonna start crackalackin’!